Yihan Zhang

Yihan Zhang

Yihan Zhang is a thirteen year old student from Norman North High school, Oklahoma. He has been studying piano for 7 years.  He came to classical music with a love for Chopin, but he has gained a lot of love for other composers such as Prokofiev and Liszt. He has won piano competition prizes, most notably the 2022 Piano Star International Competition, the 2020 American Protégé International Competition, 2022 and 2023 OKCPHIL Young Musician Competition, and 2023 Oklahoma MTNA Junior Piano . In 2023, he had his debut recital at Carnegie Hall and also his orchestral debut with the Oklahoma City Philharmonic, playing a Mendelssohn Concerto for their youth concert. Yihan also dabbles in the violin, and will play in his school's symphonic orchestra next year.