Thomas Luke

Thomas Luke

Hailed as a “trailblazer” by Steinway and Sons, Thomas Luke’s award-winning performances, widely praised for their exceptional musicality and sincerity, have been broadcast on national television and radio.

Thomas was the keyboard category winner of the prestigious BBC Young Musician 2020 competition. Other selected competition successes include first place in the Junior Royal Academy of Music’s Iris Dyer Piano Prize, being selected to represent the Academy in the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe’s Junior Intercollegiate Piano Competition, and being specially recognised by the Vienna International Music Competition for possessing "outstanding talent, a remarkable musicality and a very accomplished technique".

With recent performances at venues such as London's Wigmore Hall, Thomas performs regularly as a recital and concerto soloist, as well as enjoying a busy chamber music schedule. He has participated in masterclasses with pianists such as Lang Lang, Steven Osborne and Graham Caskie. 2023 has seen him make history in collaboration with Steinway and Sons, performing the inaugural Steinway Spiriocast between two UK institutions.

Born and raised on the Isle of Wight, UK, Thomas began piano lessons at the age of four before continuing his studies with Eleanor Hodgkinson at the Junior Royal Academy of Music in London at the age of twelve. In 2022, he won a full scholarship to study at London’s illustrious Royal College of Music, where he is now a Margaret Mount Scholar. He studies piano with Professor Vanessa Latarche and regularly receives guidance from Alim Beisembayev.